

Research projects in cacao agroforestry systems: 

Justine Vansynghel, Vandromme M., Trekels, H. & Vanschoenwinkel, B. Do bromeliads promote insect and pollinator diversity in cacao plantations? A case study in Nicaragua -funded by VLIR-UOS

Catherine Elizabeth Turner, Vandromme M., Trekels, H. & Vanschoenwinkel, B. You can’t ignore your neighbours: context dependent habitat selection amongst bromeliad infaunal communities

Laure Vanlauwe, Vandromme M., Trekels, H. & Vanschoenwinkel, B. Artificial container habitats as sources of pollinators in a cacao agroforestry system – partially funded by FWO (Research Fund Flanders)

Noémie Belanger, Vandromme M., Trekels, H. & Vanschoenwinkel, B. Evaluating the relative importance of different larval habitats for cacao pollinators in a cacao agroforestry system in Nicaragua – partially funded by FWO (Research Fund Flanders)

New projects:

Barcoding for Chocolate (funded by VUB Global Minds) – In this project we are using genetic barcoding to identify large numbers of potential cacao pollinators.

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